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DualViews Pro

Introducing the DualViews Monitor – Redefining Flexibility and Comfort!

Introducing the DualViews Monitor: a touch of genius at your fingertips! This state-of-the-art portable monitor isn’t just about expanding your view; it’s about enhancing your interaction. With its responsive touchscreen, every swipe, pinch, and zoom is a smooth experience, bringing your projects to life with precision and ease.

But that’s not all – the DualViews comes equipped with its very own stylus. Whether you’re a designer sketching out your next big idea, a business professional making quick annotations, or just enjoying some creative downtime, this stylus offers accuracy that feels as natural as pen on paper.

And for those moments when sound is just as important as sight, the DualViews doesn’t disappoint. Immerse yourself in the rich, clear audio from its built-in dual speakers. Whether you’re editing videos, enjoying a movie, or in the midst of a virtual meeting, the sound quality will surprise and delight you.


Foldable and Portable:

You can fold it up like a book and take it anywhere. It’s super easy to carry!

Touch Screen with Stylus:

Use your finger or the special pen (stylus) to draw or click on the screen. It’s fun and easy!

Works with major OS and devices:

You can connect it to your laptop or tablet for an even bigger view.

Ergo Stand:

Get the Ergo Stand that lets you set it up at the perfect angle. No more sore necks!

Big Screen:

It has a big, bright screen that lets you see everything clearly, whether you’re working or playing.

Dual Speakers:

Listen to clear and cool sounds with its two speakers. Music and videos sound great!


  1. More Room to Work and Play: With this monitor, you have more space to do your homework, draw, or watch your favorite shows.
  2. Easy to Take with You: Because it’s foldable, you can take it to a friend’s house, on a trip, or just move it around your home.
  3. Make Cool Stuff: With the touch screen and stylus, you can draw and create amazing things.
  4. No More Squinting: The big screen means you don’t have to squint to see small text or pictures.
  5. Fun Everywhere: Whether you’re inside or outside, you can set up your DualViews Monitor quickly and have fun.

The DualViews Monitor is perfect for kids and grown-ups who love tech and want to do more with their screens. Get yours and start having more fun with your computer and tablet today! ✨💻🎨

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1-year warranty, no question asked.

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Dinna Torres Customer

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean quis risus viverra ultricies posuere.

Lucy Timmy Customer

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean quis risus viverra ultricies posuere.

Luna Smiths Customer

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean quis risus viverra ultricies posuere.

Kate Wistone Customer